Minutes for 03/23/2022 meeting
Meeting opened at 6:00 PM @ Wings, Etc., Newburgh, IN
Attendance: Jeff Hamilton, Alan Fleischmann, Greg Minnette, Jay Gilbert, Jeff McCutchan, Jim Clark.
Not attending: Denise Clark, Katie Reiken, Mickey Hammers, Ron Kolb, Roy Adams.
1. Motion was made to open meeting by Jeff Hamilton.
2. Motion was made to approve February minutes by Jim Clark, seconded by Jay Gilbert, all
3. Motion was made to approve financial report by Alan Fleischmann, seconded by Jay Gilbert, all
4. Since we didn’t have a quorum of voting members in attendance, Jeff Hamilton told board this
meeting was going to be an informational meeting to get the year started.
5. Old business:
A. Spoke about Membership – need to have a list printed of current and past members so we
can divide up and contact non-paying old members to get the club numbers up again.
6. Spoke about the need to find and appoint a person for the Board vacancy.
7. Spoke about April Meeting at The Evansville War Museum, Since the club will be sponsoring the
event, Greg Minnette decided he will donate the Chili meal, Board members divided up
donating the other items such as utensils, cups, drinks, etc.
8. Spoke about the upcoming May meeting at Mulzer Camp, Alan will talk to Tim Sweeney about
speaking at the event.
9. Spoke about the golf outing in June, Jim Clark was going to talk to Bob Aldrich about organizing
and setting up the event as he has in the past. 30% of profits would be donated to the Boys and
Girls club for his efforts.
10. Mentioned the International Convention will be coming up in September, if the war allows.
11. Next board meeting at Wings, Etc., at 6:00 PM on April 27, 2022.
12. Motion to adjourn by Alan Fleischmann and seconded by everyone. Adjourned at 7:25 PM